A Passion Rekindled Page 4
“So why is it ok for Amber to be with a guy like me but not Scarlett?”
“You just met the girl what an hour ago. She is not even your type.”
“Three hours ago and what type is that mom?”
“Well for starters when have you ever dated a woman with a child? She is not the model type actually I have never seen you with a woman who isn’t a size 4 or smaller.”
“What? You’re my son I have never told you anything that you shouldn’t be hearing. I love you but you and your brother are just too much like your grandfather.”
“Ok mom I get it.”
“Do you? I am really serious here.”
“Mom I get that you are looking out for us and that is great and I am going to take everything you have said to me to heart. Now I am going to help her with a job and I am going to be her friend.”
“Good she needs friends and with her mom doing as bad as she is she is going to need them more than she knows.”
“And I will be there for her don’t worry about it.”
“But I am worried about it. I know you think I’m just being paranoid but I know you. When you set your sights on someone, you don’t give up. Well I need you to this time ok?”
“Mom it’s ok. I know better. If you say I am wrong for her then I am wrong for her.”
“But that’s not going to stop you is it?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean just what I said you’re going to try and go after her aren’t you?”
“No mom I’m not going to go after her. I told you that I like her but you know that I am not what she needs so can we please drop it.”
“I am just saying.”
“Mom please just drop it ok.”
She sighed she knew her son and she knew when he was interested in a woman. She also saw that passionate kiss they shared. She wasn’t sure how she felt about Scarlett but she made a mental note to get her checked out. She smiled a smile that
Christian knew all too well. It said, “Yeah right we will see who gets the last say on this.” She grabbed her purse.
“Well ok then baby. Now come on and take your mom to lunch. I am starving.”
“Yes mom.”
Chapter 2
Is never easy
Scarlett walked into the townhouse and couldn’t believe her eyes. The house was beautiful. She had no problem admitting that it was so much better than the one she grew up in. The outside siding was done in a solid light blue color and the roof was covered in black shingles. The grass was cut short and there was a flowerbed at the front door. Devon walked in and looked at Scarlett.
“So seriously what's the catch?”
“What do you mean?”
“How did you go for an interview and come out with a good paying job and a house?”
“God is good. That’s all I can say.” Scarlett turned around getting a 360 view of the house and turned into three curious eyes. “Stop looking at me like that, we have prayed for this. And God answered our prayers.”
Angel smiled as she ran into the living room.
“Mom the rooms are huge. I get my own right?”
“Yes you do sweetie.”
Scarlett walked around the townhouse enjoying the happy voices that surrounded her. The house was stunning. Four bedrooms and two full baths one in the upstairs hall, the other down stairs in the master bedroom. And a half bath also down stairs. It included an office, living room, dining room, and full kitchen, laundry room and a two car garage. Not that she had a car.
The back yard was huge with two small trees and flowers along the house. It was fenced in. At two stories high the house was a blessing a wonderful miraculous blessing. Scarlett walked into the master bedroom as Maggie came running down the stairs. Maggie flicked on the ceiling fan as Scarlett walked into the master bath and smiled at the side by side garden tub and shower.
“So who gets what room cause I call dibs on this one down here.”
“Maggie I don't think so. You Devon and Angel will take the ones upstairs I will take this one.”
“That’s fine because the closet space in one of them is huge so I call that room.”
Scarlett laughed as they walked to the living room. Maggie gave a deep sigh. “This house will do just fine. Looks like things are looking up for us big sis.”
“Things are just beginning.”
They both turned to the door and saw Christian standing there. Maggie beamed moving closer to Christian.
“Wow.” She hissed. “Scar, who is that tall dark and fine man at our door?” Scarlett pulled Maggie back from Christian.
“Christian what are you doing here?”
“I told you I would take care of things for you. Guys bring them in here.” Scarlett looked around confused.
“Bring what in?”
“Your furniture.”
“We don’t have furniture.”
“You do now.”
A group of movers walked in with furniture for every room in the house. Scarlett held her hands up as the moved past her quickly. She began to feel overwhelmed.
“Oh wait a minute what is going on this all seems a little too much. No a lot too much.”
“Look maybe I should explain.”
Scarlett sighed. “Yeah that would be good.”
“Every year we take five hundred thousand of the company’s dollars for our own charity functions. We help those who need it. Now we had money in the Charity account and after hearing your story I talked it over with my dad and brother with the help of my mom and we decided your family needed this. So ta-da.”
Scarlett shook her head beaming.
“You must be my guardian angel.”
“I wouldn’t say that.”
Angel ran over to Scarlett.
“We have a computer and TV’s.”
“They are in the living room.”
Christian smiled
“Yes a desktop computer for the kids a laptop for you. There’s a TV for the living room and each room.”
Devon walked over to Scarlett.
“Scar did we just win the lottery or something because I don’t remember having all this stuff when we left Philly.”
`Maggie smirked. “Shoot I don't remember having all this stuff when we left that hotel.”
“Guys this is Christian Waters. He and his wonderful family have donated all these things to us. Christian this is Devon, Margaret, and Angel.”
“Thanks Scarlett putting my business out there. I prefer Maggie.”
Christian smiled as he looked over to the family that stood in front of him. From Devon to Angel he could see the family resemblance. Devon stood a little shorter than him so he figured he had to be about 6ft even. He wore his hair low cut covered by a fitted cap. He wore jeans with a collared shirt. Maggie and Scarlett stood at the same height while Angel was a couple of inches smaller. Maggie wore her hair in a high ponytail and wore pink sweats while Angel wore her hair out with a headband and a purple sweat suit.
Angel was a little darker than Scarlett with a Carmel complexion while Maggie and Devon shared a milky dark chocolate color. Christian couldn’t keep his eyes off Scarlett but took them off long enough to smile at the kids.
Maggie smiled and moved closer to him.
“So do you have any younger brothers?” Scarlett shook her head.
Christian smiled.
“Very nice to meet you guys. And no sorry I have an older one though.”
“So what's the catch? My sister got get with you or something?” Scarlett stared at Devon.
“Devon! Christian I am sorry about them.”
Devon folded his arms in his “Just because I'm her younger brother, doesn’t mean I won’t jack you up.” Christian looked at Scarlett as she looked at Devon.
“Devon seriously!”
Devon folded his arms. “What? I’m just wondering why a man who we don’t know wants to do all this for us.”
Christian moved closer to Devon. “I see where you’re coming from man and I can honestly say there is no catch. Sometimes good people want to do good things for other good people. And speaking of good things, we have a few other gifts that my dad threw in.”
An older version of Christian walked into the house followed by Helen and another man.
“This is my dad Christopher Waters and my brother Chris. And you know my mom.”
Christopher wore his salt and pepper hair like a badge. He wore a blue cashmere sweater with a pair of Khakis. Scarlett knew who Chris was before he was even introduced. Chris looked just like Christian. The only difference between them was the Chris wore glasses and was a little bit more built. Scarlett took their hands in hers.
“It is a pleasure to meet you all of you. We are so very grateful for all of this.”
Christopher stood up clearing his throat. “Young lady, when my wife and son told me what happened to you I knew we should help you. Our family is known for picking random families and helping them. Most of which are family members of those in Shrines. My son said he offered you a job and you took it well we take care of our own.”
Scarlett moved closer to him. “And you have sir. We appreciate everything.”
Christopher smiled. “But there’s more.”
“Sir, please look at this place.”
“Please call me Christopher.”
“Ok Christopher.” She said with a little hesitation. “I just thank you. We now have a house that is rent-free for 6 months. You have given us bedroom sets, a living room set, dining room set, things for the office a washer and dryer.”
“And yet it doesn’t seem to be enough.”
Scarlett moved towards the wall trying to catch her bearings. This morning she was worried about putting food on the table and now she was given the world. “Please this is more than enough.”
Helen stepped up.
“Here are some Wal-Mart gift cards. Three have three hundred on each. One has five hundred and then one has $1000 on it. That should be enough for bedspreads, towels, and sheets the things for the house that we didn’t get, and also in the envelope are two sets of keys for a 2008 Dodge Journey. It’s great on gas and room so you can take the kids to school.”
Scarlett felt the back of her eyes begin to burn. “A car?”
Christian smiled. “Well you do have to get to work.”
Scarlett placed her hand to her chest. “I, I, I don’t know what to say.”
Chris walked over to her.
“And yet it’s not over. After seeing that you wanted your checks directly deposited into your account we have deposited $5000 in your account so you can get things for yourself and the kids for school.”
Scarlett looked around and shook her head this was unbelievable.
“I’m sorry. This is all so great but we can’t accept all this.”
Helen smiled. “It's no problem really.”
“No we can’t accept this. This is too much. You just…”
As Scarlett’s eyes started to glisten, she grabbed her chest and frowned. She fanned herself.
“I am so sorry I need some air excuse me please. Devon can you keep an eye on the girls.” She walked out the house and walked down the street. Devon smiled nervously.
“When Scar gets overwhelmed she gets over heated. She needs to take moment get some fresh air.”
They nodded. Christian walked out the door. Scarlett placed her hands on her head and took a deep breath. She felt her breaths getting shorter and shorter. She felt lightheaded and dizzy and she knew if she didn't get control she would have a full fledge panic attack. Christian walked up behind her.
“Scarlett what’s wrong?”
Scarlett jumped and placed her right hand over her chest.
“Christian you scared me.”
He walked closer to her. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.”
“It’s ok.” She began to walk again.
Christian followed. “How are you?”
“I am ok I guess.”
“You guess?”
“It’s a lot to take in you know.” She said staring down at the ground. Christian moved a little closer to her as she picked up a rock.
“Yeah so when you get overwhelmed you get panic attacks?”
She tossed a rock into the street. “What are you talking about?”
“I can spot a panic attack when I see one.”
She looked at him.
“How did you know?”
“One of my friends lost her brother a while back and she started to get them. You really have been through a lot haven’t you?”
She picked up another rock and tossed it. “I guess.”
“Come walk with me.”
She stood looking around. “Walk where?”
“Will you stop asking questions and just come with me.”
He took her hand in his and pulled her close as he walked her towards the park on the block. They sat on the bench in silence for a moment or two. Scarlett sighed.
“It is so beautiful out here.”
Christian looked over to her and grinned. “Yes it is.”
“I have been so busy these last few weeks I haven’t been able to enjoy this kind of beauty.”
“I can tell. You seem to be the one who puts everyone first.”
Scarlett turned towards Christian taking his hands. “Christian why are you guys doing this? You know nothing about my family or me. There are things in my life that just…” she paused standing shaking her head. “There are people out there who need this more. The job was enough.”
Christian stood and pulled her closer to him. “And that is why we did this. I was very impressed by you the moment I saw you and after talking to your mom my mom is convinced that you guys were meant to be helped by us. I grew up well off. My great grandfather struck it rich and we have managed the money ever since. My parents always had us doing charity work when we were younger. That is why Chris and I came up with the One million ways to help charity a Charity that our business is known for.”
Scarlett shook her head as tears fell from her eyes as she sat back down and lowered her face. “But there are other people who need this, people who are worse off than we are.”
Christian sat next to her as he lifted her face up. “Right now I only see you.”
Christian wiped the tears from her eyes and smiled. “And your family of course you guys deserves this so please just accept it.”
“There is no way I can pay you guys back for all this.”
“You don’t need to pay us back for anything. This is what we do. So please let us help you.” He gripped her hand tighter.
“Let me help you.”
Scarlett bit her lower lip. “It's just hard to go from having nothing to having everything. I have done everything for this family and no one has ever done anything like this for me.”
“It's my pleasure. Now can we please go back to your house?”
“I just wish there was something I could do for you.”
“There is.”
Christian caressed her face.
“You just keep being you.”
He placed her hair behind her ear. She looked at him and he grinned.
“Come on where’s that smile?”
Scarlett shook her head. Christian smiled wider.
“Come on. I know it’s there.”
Scarlett smiled at him. Christian pulled her to him and hugged her.
“Are you ok now?”
She looked up at him, as she held onto him tighter.
“You don’t know how much this means to us.” Christian wiped the tears from her eyes.
“Scarlett you are a stunning woman everything about you is just beautiful. I think you are a fighter and-”
As he looked into her eyes the familiar force pushed him towards her and the need to feel her lips on his
was overpowering. He leaned over and she allowed his lips to embrace hers. She accepted his lips as she wrapped her arms around him to kiss him back. He pulled her over to him and allowed her to straddle him. He kissed her then moved to her neck. Scarlett didn’t want her body to respond to him but she was so attracted to this man. Christian couldn’t stop himself from wanting to take her, feel her and just wanting to be close to her. After what seemed like forever but was only minutes, she pulled away.
He pulled her face closer to his and kissed her again. All of her craved for his hands to explore her body, for his lips to taste all of her. She wanted him so badly that tears started to brim her eyes as she pulled away from him.
“Christian wait.”
“Scarlett I like you a lot. I mean I really, really like you. I felt an instant attraction to you the moment I laid eyes on you. Being stuck with you in that elevator was the hardest thing I have ever had to do because all I wanted was to kiss you and take you right then and there. And oh my God kissing you is like the sweetest and yet most arousing thing that has ever happened to me. No woman has ever done this to me. I look at you and I just want you. But I also know you are not in the place to be with anyone and I am ok with that. I am willing to just be your friend.”
“You are even though you feel this deep attraction to me?”
“I didn’t say it would be easy. But I will do it for you.”
“So since we are on the same page can I get off your lap now?”
He smiled at her.
“Yes. But only if you admit you like me.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean admit you like me.”
“Of course I like you.”
“No I mean really like me.”
She smiled and looked around the playground. He pulled her face back to his. She blushed.
“Of course I like you. You’re sexy and tall. And you’re smile is so I don't even know but all I need right now is a friend.”