A Passion Rekindled Page 3
“And you haven’t?”
“Nope.” He shook his head. “Not that my mom hasn’t tried.”
“Yeah my mom sets up business meetings that involve just me and the woman at a romantic restaurant. Or when I'm working late at night, she will send some woman over with a picnic. It’s kind of sad really.”
“She just wants you to give her lots of grandkids.”
“Yeah that’s not going to happen. Maybe for Chris but not me.”
“My brother.”
“Oh is he married?”
“No but he is in love. My mom won’t have it though.”
“Why not?”
“His girlfriend isn’t who my mom would want for a daughter in law. She wants someone who is more in the public eye someone who comes from money.”
“She feels if we marry women who come from money they aren’t with us just for our money.”
“Well that’s true.”
“Yeah, but there’s something about a rich, annoying spoiled little daddy’s girl that bothers me.” Scarlett laughed.
“They can’t all be that bad.”
“Trust me they are. This one girl actually got mad at me because I picked her up in my car and not a Limo.” He made a face and spoke in a high-pitched girl’s voice.
“Daddy says never trust a man who drives his own car.” Scarlett giggled.
“Wow they really talk like that?”
Christian sighed laughing. “Yeah truthfully it’s pretty nice to talk to someone who has more on her mind than what she is going to wear tomorrow or make some poor man buy.”
“Yeah you don't have to worry about that with me. I don’t really have much to begin with and what I do have I earn it and I like to earn it I feel like I actually deserve it when I do.”
“I could tell. You seem to be down to earth.”
“I am.”
As they sat in silence Scarlett inhaled his scent of sandalwood and spice, a smell that made her feel at ease and at peace. Christian was everything she could ever want in a man and if she was looking she would be praying to the Lord that he would feel the same, but sitting in the elevator with a man who made her feel safe and secure just made her ache for companionship in a way she hadn’t in years. And soon curiosity got the best of her as she craved more from him. She wanted to know his likes and dislikes she wanted to know his soul. As her inner self fought with her heart struggling to fine the words to say to this man who was so caring and so sexy he reached for her left hand and latched his hand to hers.
“Are you ok?”
“Yes.” She said sleepily realizing for the first time since they had been stuck that she was sleepy.
“What is running through that pretty head of yours?”
She sighed as his fingers caressed her hand sending jolts to places she wished would stop throbbing. She sighed clearing her throat.
“So what kind of women are you interested in?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean if your mom keeps getting it wrong explain to me why. What is your type?”
You he thought with a smile. She was a type he never knew he had, but sitting in the elevator with her and listening to her story made him want to hold her and caress her.
Smelling her scent and feeling sparks of passion shoot through him every time he touched her or she moved. He had to readjust himself so she wouldn’t see the effect she was having on his manhood. “I think you are the first person to ever ask me that.”
“So you have no idea?”
“I’m thinking give me a minute.”
She smiled as he breathed trying to figure out what he wanted in a woman and then realizing that he was sitting next to the woman of his dreams.
“Well I guess I am looking for a friend.”
“A friend?” she asked smiling.
“Yeah someone I can talk to about anything and everything. Someone who sees I am so much more than this company and the money I have. I just want someone to want me for who I am sound weird huh?”
“No it sounds like you know what you want you just haven’t found it yet.”
He smiled to himself realizing that he had found it. “What about you?”
“What about me?”
“What are you looking for in a man?”
Scarlett snorted. “Oh no, I am not looking for anything because I have too much to worry about.”
“But if you didn't have anything to worry about what would you want?”
“I guess the same thing as you.”
“You guess?”
She looked up to him then leaned back against him. “Yeah I want a friend, someone who I can tell my secrets too and know they won’t judge me. My past is so complicated that I am almost afraid to try again.”
She looked at her watch.
“Wow I can’t believe it’s been an hour and a half and we are still stuck here.”
“Is it that bad being here with me?”
She sighed. “No, talking to you is really calming and I almost forgot we were stuck.”
“That’s good. I see you tend to change the subject when you don't want to answer.” She sat up and straightened out her suit jacket as Christian stared at her.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing I just realized I spent an hour imposing on you.”
“It wasn’t bothering me I kind of enjoyed it. You make me feel needed.”
“Really and you like feeling that way?” He grinned opening his arms to her.
“I like feeling that way with you.”
She leaned back into his arms and took a breath.
“I still don’t know what I am going to do. I really needed the money you know?”
“Let’s not think about this now. For now how about you just relax who knows how long we are going to be in here.”
She bit her bottom lip sitting next to him was testing every boundary she had. His hard lean body called to her in ways no man ever had. She wanted his soft hands to caress her and kiss her and she shook her head trying to erase the feelings inside her.
As they sat in comfortable silence Christian felt Scarlett doze off and he smiled to himself hearing the slight snore come from her lips. He suddenly felt complete not caring if the doors ever opened. He could sit in that spot holding her forever and he suddenly realized what he was missing. Chris always told him when he found someone special he would know immediately and as he was sitting there staring down at Scarlett’s sleeping face he just wanted to protect her.
As he removed a stray hair from her face the lights came on in the elevator and it began to sway. Scarlett awoke and held on to Christian as it began to move upward.
Christian smiled.
“Hey sleepy head.” Scarlett smiled shyly as Christian stood and pulled her up to him. Looking in her eyes all he wanted to do was pull her into his arms and kiss her. And all she wanted was to let him. The doors opened to the 25th floor and Scarlett followed Christian out of the elevator.
“Thank you for talking to me. I am sure if you wouldn’t have I would have been a wreck.”
“No problem. You look like you could use some water how about you come with me to my office and I give you some and we can talk more.”
“I really should be getting to the hotel.”
“Just a bottle of water and then you can be on your way? Please?” She laughed.
“Well I am still a little shaky so sure a few more minute shouldn’t hurt. Lead the way.”
Scarlett followed him past a pair of glass double doors and an empty wrap around desk with files spread across it. The floor was covered in dark tan color there were two brown suede love seats against the wall. She followed him past another door and into his office. She glanced around, smiled at the messy mahogany desk, and discarded food containers on the floor around the trash can. Christian looked around to and frowned.
“Sorry about
the mess. When it is just me, it’s hard.”
“I have a 17 year old brother remember so yeah I know about messes.”
They laughed as he began to pick up some of the trash around his desk.
“I usually keep a clean office but this week has been particularly busy and crazy.” Scarlett smiled at him.
“So I meant to ask what is it that, Waters Empire does.”
“My dad and mom started this company by remodeling some old apartments and town houses. Then they started a construction company and it took off. My parents retired and my brother and I took over. Now I need an assistant. Someone who can help me stay on track. Keep my meetings on time as well as double-checking things to make sure everything is in order. Kind of like my right hand man.”
“Oh what happened to your last one?”
Christian sighed deeply picking up a file. “She actually quit when she realized that I wasn’t interested in her. She only applied for the job because she heard a rumor I date my assistants, but I don't.”
“So she just up and quit?”
“Yep. But that’s why I think I can help you. I need an assistant and you need a job. Seems like a perfect match to me.”
Scarlett looked around the office shaking her head. This was an amazing offer but she couldn’t help but feel like he felt sorry for her. “But there must be others who are more qualified.”
“If Mario’s was going to meet with you then you must have been good.”
“I am I worked as a secretary while trying to get my degree before I left.”
“Well that’s all the job is but there are better perks. I will pay you $18 an hour plus benefits. You will also get a $500 sign on bonus and I will even throw in one of our four bedroom town houses.”
Scarlett sat in one of the brown suede chairs opposite his desk. She noticed his color pattern for the office was simple but fitting. The deep and dark brown went well with the mahogany desk and bookshelf along the right of the wall. She knew she would feel comfortable there she just wasn’t sure if she could work for him.
“What I couldn’t ask you to do that.”
“I want you to have this. I want to help you. So what do you say?”
“I don’t know what can I say?”
He moved closer to her. “You can say yes.”
“How can I turn that down? Thank you so much Mr. Waters.”
“And again I will ask you to call me Christian and I am going to be counting on you so get some rest because you will start first thing in the morning.”
“Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
She pulled him into a hug and sighed happily as he held her tight. She pulled away just enough to look him in the eyes. He stared down to her and gave in to the urge to pull her closer. As he pulled her looking into her eyes she felt her face flush. She didn’t know why but it was like a magnet pulling her to him and him to her. As their lips touched, Scarlett felt a surge of heat rise from her core. Christian pulled her closer to him needing more wanting more. She wrapped her arms around him.
He pulled her up to him and pushed her onto his desk moving her head to the side and kissing her neck. She felt herself moan as his hands moved up her back. As he took her lips back to his, she felt herself melt in his arms. Scared that things were moving way too fast Scarlett pulled away from him reluctantly. As they stared at each other both afraid to speak Scarlett stepped back. She stared at Christian and bit her lower lip.
Christian stared at her as if he could see right through to her soul. They snapped out of it as an older woman knocked on his door and walked in.
“Excuse me am I interrupting something?”
Christian and Scarlett both looked at her like deer caught in the headlights of a speeding car. Scarlett tried to calm herself as Christian smiled fixing his tie.
“No, mom what are you doing here?”
“Our lunch date, please don’t tell me you forgot? Again?”
“See Scarlett that is why I need you. So my mother won’t be disappointed in me for forgetting our lunch dates.”
“Well I would have been here sooner but I had them make sure those elevators weren’t going to stop on me.” She said walking over and kissing her son the cheek. Christian hugged her back.
“We were stuck in two for about two hours.”
“You were?”
“Yes but we made the best of it.”
Christian winked a knowing wink to Scarlett. She blushed feeling a smile come across her lips. She glanced at the older woman impressed with her youthful glow. Helen
Waters was a woman who exemplified style and grace. She rarely walked into a room without commanding attention. Today she donned a red pants suit and matching red pumps. Her face was flawless as her grayish black hair bobbed around her face. Scarlett noticed the resemblance between mother and son and noticed how besides some facial features their milk chocolate skin was the same.
“Mom this is Scarlett Hale and she will be my new assistant.
Scarlett this is Mrs. Helen Waters.”
“Helen Waters. You have a wing dedicated to you at Shrines Treatment Center.”
“Why yes I do. How did you know that?”
“My mom is there. She has Breast Cancer. We just got her in last week.”
Helen cocked her head to the side. “Your mother is Genie Hale?”
“Yes. You know her?”
“I met her yesterday afternoon we talked like old girlfriends for hours, I knew you looked familiar. Your picture is in her room. She said you kids keep her going on.”
“Yeah she’s a fighter.” Scarlett said smiling widely.
“And you’re taking care of your younger brother and sister?”
“Yes. And I was worried I wouldn’t know how to take care of them. We are staying in a two bed hotel that costs more than we have.”
“That is why I suggested since she is our newest employee we get them into one of our town houses.”
Helen clapped her hands together. “That is a wonderful idea. We have payment programs as well. Since your mom is in Shrines we can help you settle in and your first six months are free. You will also get vouchers to get furniture and food. Clothes things like that.”
Scarlett felt tears form in her eyes. She closed them counting to ten trying to control the onset of emotions. “Thank you. We have prayed and prayed for help and God sent us you. They are going to flip out when they hear this.”
“The Lord works in ways we can’t understand. I met your mother by pure luck. I stop by once a week. I was meeting with Robin the head of the place and she told me about your mom. We met and she is very nice and sweet. It's twelve thirty now I can make a few phone calls and you can be in one of our houses by night fall.”
“What? Really?”
Christian walked to his desk.
“Yes and we will take care of it all. You just go down to personnel and have Rebecca take all your information down for the job and we will see you in a little while.”
“I don’t know how I can repay you for all of this. Thank you so much.” Scarlett rushed out the room but walked back in.
“Umm excuse me where is personnel?”
“15th floor suite 105 give her this. She will give you all the information on the house.”
“Thank you so much for this I just thank you.”
Scarlett grabbed the paper and walked back out the room. Helen looked at Christian.
“She’s nice.”
“That she is.” He replied sitting at his desk.
“And cute.”
“I guess.” He picked up his phone and dialed. “Josie can you have someone from custodian come up and empty the trash from my room it looks as if it hasn’t been cleaned in days.” He hung up as Helen smiled at him.
“She is absolutely wrong for you.”
Christian walked around his desk and grabbed some files.
“Mom what are you talking about?”
“I am your mother I carried you for 8 months 22 days and was
in labor for fifteen hours and thirty-four minutes. I have watched you grow up to be the successful man I am looking at right now. And I know when you like someone. And Christian you really like her.”
“Mom I feel sorry for her. She’s had it rough and then to top it off Mario’s was supposed to hire her but hired his girlfriend. He’s making everyone believe that’s his niece but come on. She just looked like she needed a break.”
“She does. Her mom isn’t doing well. That’s really how I met her. They are only giving her 6 months to a year if that. I am the one who tells the families but she didn’t want them to know. You don’t know what you are getting yourself into.”
“Mom I am only trying to help.”
“But you like her.”
“Mom I’m serious I am just trying to help her.”
“Look at me and tell me that you don't like her and I will drop it.”
“Yes I like her I think she’s beautiful inside and out and sweet. To give up everything to take care of her family and I am sure once I get to know her I will like her more.”
“And that is what I am afraid of. You just met her you don't know anything about her or where she comes from. She gave up everything. She has no education. No money.
She has a daughter and you have a girlfriend.”
Christian sighed heavily. “She has no education because she wanted to be there for her family.
She has no money because she had to sell everything to get her mom into that place. She told me she had a daughter and I am ok with that. And I don’t have a girlfriend even if you and Amber think otherwise.”
“She’s 27 and her daughter is 9. You mean to tell me you are ok with a woman who had a child at the age of what 17/18?”
“Mom I am fine with it. You should be too. What is going on you have never cared who I liked before just who I parade around?” he looked at her raising his left eyebrow.
“Fine cards on the table…I don’t want you to hurt her. Genie told me that Scarlett his always stepped up and did what was right. She missed her prom because she went into labor a week before. No one came to her Graduation because they couldn’t afford to buy the tickets. That is why I agreed to help them. She’s a sweet young woman. Who had to put her life on hold for her family? If you are going to help her with a job and a place to live then do that. Don’t mix her up in your world. Because while you are my son and I love you, your ways with women are questionable. And you tend to hurt the good ones. Well Scarlett is a really good one and she doesn’t need a guy like you.” Christian looked up to from his desk as her. “A guy like me?”